Monday 15 October 2007

Double Happiness

Went to visit Vinc, Fiana and their BABY! Really quite excited to see the baby in person even though I have already seen her through photo on the first day. Met up with Poly group and went to visit them in SGH. Fiana looks perfectly fine, (She can even come down of bed!). And her baby looks perfectly cute! Oh, I forget to mention her name, she is called Fu Kemin, english name Leah Poh, welcome to the world!

Little baby, Kemin!

Mei Foong had the chance to carry Kemin!

Leah, thats her english name.

大合照 with Fiana and baby!

Mother and baby.

After the visit, I went my most anticipated event of the year, SAMMI SHOW MI CONCERT 2007!!! AHHHHHH!!!~~~ Lets scream!!! She was down with flu that night and that was why she left the stadium immediately she step down, leaving our "encore" with no effect but she was amazing because even when she was sick, we couldn't tell and it was the most bombastic performance I have ever saw!!! Welcome back SAMMI!!!

Me at the concert hall before the show started.

Thats how the stage looks like.

The show is starting!!! LETS SCREAM!!! AHHH!!!~~~

Didn't shot much photos, as it was really quite difficult and far, but gonna share some photos and videos, same by me, same by fans who posted videos on youtube!



Starting speech.



Sammi, sharing about the support she have gotten from her parents during her rest and her decision to come back into the showbiz


Stefanie Sun as Sammi's guest! Singing 《遇见》!

Stefanie Sun and Sammi 合唱 《绿光》!

Stefanie Sun singing "Something love ain't enough".


《煞科》,high 爆!


《爱是。。。》with MC, the LMF rapper

Sammi interacting with her 肥妹 fans! So funny! Haha... The fans is really very high.

Ending song: 《终生美丽》!


你说过你喜欢用信和家人表达你的心声,今天我这个小小的歌迷也来写一张信给你,我等了足足两年了,看到你没事,而且还过得很好,我非常的欣慰。记得在你决定要放假的时候,真的很舍不得,不知道你需要多少时间去辽伤,何时何日才能看到你的归来,但我始终深信你是个知性的人,所以从不怎么为你担心过,不管报章有多少夸张的负面报道,我从来也没把它们当一回事,如今你已是一个全新的人,当我看到你在香港一连8场的演唱会上那精力充沛的样子时,还有说着你如何戒烟和如何得到神给你的力量和勇气时,我知道你回来了,心里有说不出的兴奋!这次你到新加坡来开演唱会,我毫不犹豫的买了票,就是要清眼看到你的蜕变。造型和服装方面,比在香港或别的国家开的演唱会简单得多,反而让人觉得更赏心悦目,唱功明显的比以前进步了,几段快歌部分,几乎听不出喘气声,那具有爆发力的歌喉已能证明这一点,你让全场都跟着high起来了,唱慢歌时,你也让每个人都陶醉在你的歌声里。几段独白, 让我们更加了解家人对你的重要性和这两年的休息对你的重要性, 听得现场的观众非常的感动,我们也听得出这假期对你的修养和品性的提高,(讲话比以前还要文绉绉的,哈哈),跟嘉宾和歌迷的互动,让我们看得出你是个珍惜关系的人,也是个很爱搞笑的人,哈哈。。。,谢谢你让我们更了解你,谢谢你生体力行的粉碎那些对你仍有质疑的人,当我看到你对上帝的赞美时,我很高兴,因为你也认识了我们这位伟大的神!看到这一切一切,让我肯定地看到你的归来!最重要的是,像你所说的那样,你的勇气真的回来了!在此衷心的祝你终生美丽,继续加油,我们永远的天后!



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