Monday 25 August 2008



I can almost confirm a feeling. I have always dismissed this feeling because I think I am being too 感情用事. However this feeling grow stronger and stronger every time I am back in my hometown, Hong Kong, this particular time, I am not going to deny it, because its too strong to ignore and I am not going to run away from it. There is this strong sense of belonging, this strong attachment. 那里的人,那里的文化,那里的街道,那里的食物,那里的每一件事,每一样东西,对我来说都有着浓厚的亲切感。你们可能会说,为什么在新加坡长大的我,会有这种感觉?因为我发现原来在这 16 年来我没有彻底地被同化,我发现在我内心里,我的潜意识里,那条根,那种对香港的情怀已经扎扎实实地扎根在我心里的深处。我并非对新加坡没有感情,毕竟这里是我长大的地方,只不过“归属感”不在这里。我有尝试让自己对新加坡有多一点的归属感,可是那往往只是假象。我记得有位弟兄曾经问我是否有一天我会回去香港,当时我的答案是很肯定的“不会”,


过了两年的兵役后,我很有可能会回去香港读四年大学,如果习惯了那边的生活,我可能不会回来了。如果有一天我真的离开新加坡,我会感谢上帝在这里让我受好的教育而我最舍不得的是神在这里赐给我最美好的礼物,CYYAM,因为它建立了我的信仰,我的人格,让我董得什么是爱。神会安排我在这里长大,可能是为了让我认识他。 常听妈妈说起当初来到新加坡,神怎样让她从新肯定他的存在的经历(我妈曾经离开过神),我常常在想如果我们一家没移民的话,我们可能根本就没有慢下脚步去认识神的机会,现在的我可能也不会是基督徒。所以我相信这一切不
可能是偶然。当然如果我真得回去香港生活的话,应该也不是偶然的吧 (我还有很多未信主的亲戚)。当然现在一切都还不成定局,一切还要看神怎样带领。那就耐心的等候吧。

Even though I am back in Singapore, I still do want to share with you the amazing food and charisma that Hong Kong has to offer. 香港真的是一个太精彩的地方,所以不是我要帮它打广告的咯。香港人是喜欢新事物的一群,他们爱吃所以很会吃(讲究吃的意思)。在香港是很难找到难吃的食物的。把这两样特点加起来就造成了一个现象,就是食物的款式往往千变万化,这点,你们有机会的话,去去它们的 McDonalds, KFC Pizza Hut 就知道。在新加坡,这些普罗大众的餐厅卖的来来去去就是那几样款式的食物,但在那里,能叫的食物的款式可能会让你傻眼。就拿 Pizza Hut 来讲,新加坡的 Pizza Hut 的洋式汤是cheap cheap 的罐头 Campbell soup, 相信我,以为我常常喝 Campbell soup, 那味道我肯定认得了。香港Pizza Hut 的洋式汤,是高档的真才实料洋式汤。餐单里的食物样式多到眼花缭乱。以下的照片,你一看就明白,试想想新加坡的Pizza Hut 会有这些吗???


Mango smoothie


Multi-national pizza, (from the left), American flavour, tom yam flavor and wasabi teriyaki chicken flavor


Other food...

海南鸡饭, I still prefer Singapore's. Haha...

Went to 铜锣湾 on a particular day with my aunt, 铜锣湾 is like Taiwan's 西门町 or Singapore's Bugis Junction. This is one of the most crowded places in Hong Kong too, other than 旺角. People who like shopping, this is a place not to miss, but mind you, things here are not cheap.

There is this 街头艺术街 in 铜锣湾 named 西九龙文娱艺术街,see how lame they named the street in English... Supposedly, West Kownloon Cultural Street, they named in West Dog Dragon Cultural Street (Read the chinese name in Cantonese and you will know why).

One of the 街头艺术. Free hugs, mind trying one of them? Er... For girls, they are not that good looking for some worthy hugs right? Ahaha....

The bustling streets of 铜锣湾

Trams and buses on the roads of Hong Kong island

The famous 皇后大道。。。There is a song for it, you know? Haha...

Went to a famous Japanese restaurant called 别府 for dinner. Food there was great!


Grape soda


Fried Jap tofu


这个一定要介绍,这是香港著名点心流沙包,认识我的人就知道我不喜欢吃甜食,但这个包啊,真的让我欲罢不能。流沙包其实就是奶黄包的化身,只不过里面的奶黄不是泥状的,而是热辣辣的液状,咬入口中时,里面的液状奶黄就会喷出来。。。简直就是 HEAVENLY 啊!!!This is a must try if you have a chance to tour in Hong Kong!


I was supposed to buy a book of Pei Fern. My friend brought me to the address of the bookshop in 荃湾, and we 顺便 went to this old Chinese style house named 三栋屋 which has already turned into a museum to take a look.

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