(This passage is written in separate days, my mood for writing in either languages switches everyday. Haha... So do forgive me for writing half in Chinese and half in English.)
一晃就两年了。还记得入伍的前一晚,心情是多么的紧张,完全睡不着。入伍当天一大早就得到 Pasir Ris Bus Interchange 报到。还好,当时有弟兄姐妹来送行,让我倍感安慰(你们送给我的鼓励手册让我非常感动)。但是我还是充满着恐惧感去迎接一大堆的未知。在 Pulau Tekong 上,卖猪仔般的坐上 Tonner,剃光头,穿着难看的衣服排队拿难吃的食物,让我觉得像自己像在坐牢似的。。。 还好三个月的基本训练就这样过了。最难熬的莫过于六天的 field camp 。。。但在这三个月里让我学习了 not taking things for granted。我的 platoon 也是疯狂好玩的一群,所以才让这三个月的训练没想象中难熬。
三个月的基本训练过了后,很幸运地,我被分配到宪兵部队 (MP),经历了两个月的宪兵基本训练。那段日子我是快乐的。MP 真的是一个很不错的 vocation。
但快乐的时光仅止于此,两个月的宪兵基本训练后,被派到所有宪兵都抗拒被派到的 sub unit, 就是 post out 到 某个 infantry unit,能留在总部的美梦就这样破灭。。。
在被派去的第一个月简直要了我的命,我差点就得了忧郁症。。。那里的 commanders 简直不当我们人看,而受到那样的对待是因为他们说想把我们训练到有 infantry mindset。。。什么屁嘛,原本以为当了 MP 就不用再受这样的苦,难怪没人喜欢被派到这里。。。我当时几乎每餐都吃不下饭。。。 我猜只有我们这些苦命 MP 是唯一当 MP 当到一点尊严都没有的吧。。。 别的人出来就在DB 骂人,我们却窝在这里被人骂。。。 过后事情慢慢到了忍无可忍的时候,有一批人投诉回总部,生活才得已改善。。。
Deployment - 我执行了一年多的事情。。。 它让我避开了 chiong sua 但也无意中把我带入前所未有的忧郁和孤独感,我感觉跟神和弟兄姐妹的关系越来越疏远,deployment schedule prevented me from attending church. Suddenly I felt the whole world don't really understands me, I became very disappointed with people and was so frustrated with the situation I am stuck in... This kind of feeling lasted for months and nearly drowned me... However things happened in army brought me back to reality and as I felt I couldn't hooked on to anyone for support and comfort, I turned to God.
Actually my Army path is quite eventful, since I am the more responsible one around (I am not being thick skinned, its a fact. Haha.), it did not bring more advantages, but people start taking me for granted. I was always doing extra deployments (3 SIR, APEC & Tekong). A series of events also got me so demoralized (H1N1, round incident & SW deployment with a problematic platoon).
Now as I looked back, all these events made me a stronger person. I realized much more things about human relationships and not taking things for granted. I can say I have matured quite a bit. I am also more happy nowadays so don't worry people!
I am entering another phase of life. Goodbye to my 2 years of service. Its time to go and work hard for my dreams. If everything goes according to plan, see you Hong Kong in 3 years time! I would like to go back to where I belong!
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