Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I am a Military Policeman

Woho! POP lo~~~ I am officially a Military Policeman!!!I must first thank God for putting me in MP, I really do like this posting and throughout these 9 weeks, it has been an enriching journey. I learnt things that other normal infantry soldiers would never ever learn in their lives. Now that the basic training has come to an end, its time to really apply the things I have learnt or even learn more new things. Anyway, I am posted to 6 SIR, yes, 6 SIR, the most feared posting for MPs, I am joining the MPs who the other MPs call "the chiong sua MPs", I am not going to say what are we going to experience, this you can ask me personally. I am not quite sure whether will I be happy in it coz I hate chiong sua stuff one, but I must really thank God that 5 of my section mates are posted there together with me, I am really lucky coz we are already quite bonded during our MPTS days. Anyway, thank you MPTS for all the things and of course training my physical fitness until I can get silver, haha...

Zhi Cong and me

Most of my section mates

Woho! MP brassard!!! No more trainee brassard~ Where got time where trainee brassard??? Haha...

Saturday, 21 February 2009


今天看了一部戏,一部拍得很美的戏,是自《Forrest Gump》多年以来,另一部好戏。这是一部诉说人生的戏,戏名叫《The Curious Case of Benjamin Button》。看了如果没有感动的人,对不起,我只能说很大可能是你对人世间的一些事还不够了解,可能你生活太过顺利。电影要带出的东西很多,难道你们看不到吗?男主角Benjamin因一生下来就是老人样,从小就被遗弃在老人院里,因为看着身边的老人一个个离世,从小已对死亡有一定的了解,(所以我了解为什么当他养母离世时,他没哭,只有无奈的表情),从小就做着大人所做的事情,看尽大人世界。当女主角Daisy年轻狂妄,意气风发的时候,差不多同年龄的他已经十分得稳重,大家的思想也是因女主角发生车祸后才比较接近,人是必须经历过苦难才能成长。一个越来越年轻,一个越来越老的两个人的恋爱注定是会有遗憾的,但这也是这部戏的主要内容。人生一定会有遗憾,有很多是必须坦然接受,但能够活着去做好自己的本分,是一种祝福,我记得戏里Benjamin当海员时期的船长,在临死前对Benjamin说了这段话(我把大意写出来),“You can curse and swear whatever you want, but when you face it, you have to accept it” 人生就是这样,无论是困难或死亡,到头来还是要面对,所以别太执著。电影里有个痴痴呆呆的老人说 “I have been strike by lightning 7 times, even though I might not think properly anymore or some of my body parts shake without control, but God reminded me that I should be grateful that I am still alive” 我们要学会感恩啊。在Benjamin生活里出现过的人都为着自己的梦想和喜好努力着,生活里的遭遇,阻扰,遗憾会染我们感到挫败,但这些人物没有放弃自己的梦想,喜欢艺术的船长,在自己身上找到发挥的平台(纹身),喜欢游泳的贵妇在六十岁终于创世界纪录,喜欢孩子的养母努力扮演好妈妈角色,等等等。。。电影拍得最成功的部分是它带出了这段恋爱的遗憾美,Daisy临死前说的最后一句, “Good night, Benjamin”,听了心里不禁的酸了起来,人对很多事都放得开,都可以像船长那样说,“You have to accept it”,但对爱往往执著,Daisy 到最后还是挂念着在她手中去世的 Benjamin。这部戏的成功除了故事好,演员的功力也非常出色,Cate Blanchett把年少狂妄到后来经历沧桑的Daisy 演得丝丝入扣,尤其是车祸后复原初次站在Benjamin面前的她,眼神里没了之前的傲气,多了一份沉淀的感觉,演员没有一定的功力是不可能演出那种感觉的。Brad Pitt 淡淡然的表情是符合剧情的,毕竟Benjamin是个比其他人早看透人世间的事的一个人物。特技也非常的好,老装都化得相当逼真。拍摄手法也一流,有些人说故事发展得很慢,我不这么认为,因为要成功的建立出男女主角的性格和生平,比较慢的故事情节是必需的。《The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 》可能会是我今年看过最好看的电影。

Movie Rating: 5/5