We went to this restaurant on the first day of my aunt’s arrival; it is located right opposite of Central Shopping Mall. We ordered a bowl of 肉骨茶 for everyone, pig trotters, pig intestines, 凤抓 and a plate of vegetables. The肉骨茶 is the very typical Singaporean style of肉骨茶, heavily seasoned with pepper and garlic. I personally prefer the Malaysian style of肉骨茶which is more 重in 药材味. Anyway, the肉骨茶 here taste like any of the肉骨茶 in Singapore. The portion of food given is quite generous and the price is quite reasonably
Long Beach Restaurant
We had our reunion dinner at Long Beach restaurant, Long Beach has always been famous for their seafood and since it has been a long time since the last time I went there, I was looking forward to the sumptuous meal waiting for me on that day. Long Beach restaurant recently just went through a big renovation, there is no more mood lighting, the restaurant now is really bright and the setting and ambience have totally changed.
捞鱼生, the dish is quite beautiful, haha… But maybe it’s the sauce they put, the dish turns out to be pretty sour, not exactly my liking, though I still like the crispy crispy chips (What are they called? I don’t know.)
Deep fried fish, this dish is nice, I like it, the fish is fresh and tender and the soya sauce is really fragrant, the fish is good to eat it with a bowl of rice.
杂菜煲,this dish is not bad, the gravy is really tasty plus there is 金针菇inside, I love 金针菇 that’s why. Haha…
姜葱蟹, this dish is the 主角, it is quite ok, the crab meat is fresh and tender but what I personally feel is that the chef 炒得不够入味, just mediocre standard…
Dessert, Vanilla ice-cream, just your normal ice-cream, but what is interesting is its presentation, below your bowl of desert is a transparent bowl filled with reddish water and dry ice, the effect makes the desert looks really appetizing, though I didn’t finish the whole thing, I was full already! Haha…
The food didn’t really reached my expectation of what it should be, given its famous name, it should have been better. But anyway, really enjoyed the reunion dinner with my family and aunt! That’s more important.
Food rating: 3.5/5
Hehe… 自家的萝卜糕又怎会不好吃呢?哈哈。。。我们自在除夕那一天一起做的,已经很久没弄萝卜糕了,多亏阿姨来了,要不然,我们怎会大费周章的去做呢?哈哈。。。We are lazy bums. 哈哈。。。 这次的萝卜糕呢,其实有几个败笔,第一,太软,第二,料不够多,平时啊,除了香菇和腊肠,我们还会放虾米和干貝,但我爸爸就是懒惰,只放了香菇跟腊肠,第三,我们砌的萝卜丝太粗了,我砌的很细,我妈和阿姨偏偏砌得粗粗的,哈哈。。。我本人是喜欢吃细的萝卜丝。虽然如此,但是还是很好吃!Wai Yee 和 Xiaoling 你们说呢?哈哈。。。 (因为她们两位上来我家拜年,有品尝到我家的萝卜糕)以下是制作萝卜糕的过程,但你们单看是瞧不出我们制做萝卜糕的recipe的,啊哈哈。。。开玩笑的啦,我自己也是隐隐约约的知道而已,要我做,我看也不会太成功。哈哈。。。
Step 1: 砌萝卜
Step 2: 炒配料
Step 3: 搅粉,做糕
Step 4: 把炒好的萝卜丝和配料放进刚刚搅好的粉
Step 5: 然后蒸一到两个小时
Food rating: 4/5
除夕夜我和我妈和阿姨到了 Bugis 和牛车水逛了逛,太多人了,但之后我还是去 join Xiaoling, Wai Yee, Mei Feng, Shu Mei , Jiaxin, Shu Qin 和 Likuan 去人挤人, 倒数。哈哈。。。很久没去那么拥挤的地方了。去meet 她们之前,我和我妈和阿姨到了牛车水的美食街吃晚餐,我们叫了fried oyster, cai tao gui 和 chao guo tiao. Fried oyster 和 cai tao gui 还真的不错,chao guo tiao 就真的很 mediocre.
Food rating: 3/5
晚餐后,我就去 meet Xiaoling, Wai Yee, Mei Feng, Shu Mei , Jiaxin, Shu Qin 和 Likuan, 和他们逛逛夜市,去人挤人,Mei Feng 是最厉害的,还硬硬挤去买果冻给大家吃,哈哈。。。谢啦。只听到小贩在那儿喊“很笨很笨,八毛钱!!!”Huh? 说什么啊你???大家明明就是听到他在喊这句。。。Uncle 回家练练你的中文发音吧!我猜他因该是在说“果冻,果冻八毛钱!!!”Anyway, 我们有看到放鞭炮的情景,哇!真是热闹!没倒数,太多人了, we lost track of time le, 听到炮竹声才知新年已到。很开心,谢谢大家let me join in the fun!
彩灯装饰,that’s Winnie the Pool.
My aunt’s friend came over to Singapore to join her, so before they came, we went to check-in for them at the hotel, the hotel is those really small ones, can consider as motel also lar, what’s so interesting about this hotel is that the LIFT!!! This is how the lift looks like:
Super old style of lift right!!! Victorian style!!! Those metal gates!!! Oh my. Quite scary and exciting at the same time during my first ride in it, coz really got the ghostly kind of feel, plus that hotel is those small small ones and the landing at each level is very Victorian style also, dim dim dull dull type, ok stop, I am letting my imagination run wild, the rooms are ok, but the beds are too soft, too springy… I wonder how I can sleep well in this hotel.
Allson Hotel Restaurant
Food rating: 3.75/5